Thursday, September 3, 2009

Babies being adorable

Earlier this year we took Becks and Sharky for his shots and all seemed fine. Well, at first Becks was not happy, but as you can see, Sharky climbed in with him and Becks seemed much better.

But the next morning Becks was really quiet and warm and wouldn't leave the bathroom floor. Jeff and I both took the day off work because we were so freaked out and we took him back to the vet. It turns out he's really, really allergic to one of the shots, the problem being that we don't know which one! We got some special medicine for him and took him home, but it was heartbreaking to us because he just wasn't himself.

Luckily, once again Sharky stepped up to the plate and helped out his big brother!

It took a few days but Becks was back to being himself soon enough. Sharky still likes to follow him around regardless.