Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Brothers who love each other!

Becks and Sharky may fight sometimes but for the most part, they are best friends.

Sleeping in the window

Becks wasn't feeling well and Sharky was making his big brother feel better

Thursday, August 20, 2009


Sharky is the sweetest little thing. While Becks can happily scratch and bite without a care, Sharky is very tender and sweet. He absolutely adores me, which is great until its 3 am and he's meowing around the house looking for me, then nibbling on my ears.

He's a little guy but he can eat! Whenever Jeff goes into the kitchen, Sharky is following him around meowing at the top of his lungs. He even gets Becks in on it!

Most of all though, he adores Becks.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Websites I like....

There are a lot of website devoted to animals, obviously. Some of my favorites are:

And some Becks and Jeff for ya....

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Becks the fetching kitty

Before I forget...I really thought that this would be a youtube sensation. It should have been!

Introduction To Becks and Sharky Conn

Well, this isn't actually Becks and Sharky. This is Becks and Pinche. Pinche has not gone to kitty heaven, but she has gone to live with a friend. Pinche is a Siamese, old lady kitty that showed up at my husband's door 9 years ago. For some crazy reason, when my husband and I got married, I thought Pinche might like a friend, although my husband insisted she did not, in fact, want a friend.

Well he was right.

When we went on a cruise this year, we took Pinche to the friend's house, where she happily remains, wandering the premises without an annoying kitten to drive her crazy. This picture is Becks trying as hard as he can to get close to her...this is probably the closest documented moment because the only closer ones were a flash of fur and claws.

<--- Baby Becks sleeping in my bathroom.

So I actually don't have that many pics of Becks as a baby because Pinche was not really happy with any picture taking, and we were all about making the girl happy.

About a week after we realized Pinche was happier with Victor...the need struck. We needed to save another baby. We got Mr. Sharky right away. He went through several names, but eventually we ended up naming him Sharky. I chose it from this great youtube puppy named Sharky, from Texasgirly79. Great inspiration. Our Sharky is a little purr monkey!

Sharky and Becks took a only a few days but became the best of friends.

So that's all for today!